“Are there any doctors on the board?”

“Are there any doctors on the board?”

A long–awaited vacation and a comfortable flight is every person's dream. But sometimes passengers' condition could get worse at the most unexpected moment. And for a medical specialist, such a trip may bring another clinical case. Thus, Aruzhan Saduakas, an ophthalmologist at the University Medical Center, found herself in a situation where a passenger needed emergency medical care during a flight. On January 8, the plane was heading from the capital to Almaty when a passenger had an attack of epilepsy upon landing.


Responding quickly to the call for help, Aruzhan gave the girl the necessary examination, cleared her airway, and fixed her head position to minimize injury. The passenger’s medicines were not available nearby; however, thanks to the coordinated actions of the doctor and the aircraft crew, the attack was stopped in a short time. The passenger was further treated by an ambulance at the airport.


Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological diseases. In epilepsy, excessive electrical discharges occur in brain cells, which manifest as seizures, muscle spasms, or convulsions. During seizures, it is important to reduce the risk of head injury, make sure that the person can breathe freely, and call an ambulance.


Most seizures of epilepsy are stopped on their own, but it is important to monitor the patient's condition, ensure breathing and safe body position. I did everything I could, tried to calm the accompanying people and provided first aid,” Aruzhan shared.


This story once again shows the professionalism, courage and readiness of medical specialists to help people even in the most extreme conditions.


Press-office of the University Medical Center



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