YDA Holding Intends to Expand Its Investment Activities in Kazakhstan

YDA Holding Intends to Expand Its Investment Activities in Kazakhstan

At the site of JSC “NC “Kazakh Invest,” Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Alibek Kuantyrov held a meeting with the Chairman of the Board of the Turkish company “YDA Holding,” Hüseyin Arslan. During the meeting, the parties discussed the group’s plans to expand its investment activities in Kazakhstan.

Arslan highlighted the high potential of the Middle Corridor and the growing importance of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route in the current context. He also emphasized the significance of developing local production to meet the needs of agriculture. In this regard, the Chairman of the Board expressed YDA Holding’s interest in implementing projects in Kazakhstan’s agro-industrial complex and the transport and logistics sectors.

In turn, Kuantyrov emphasized the strategic level of partnership with Turkiye and noted the long-standing successful cooperation with YDA Holding. In this context, the Deputy Minister expressed his readiness to provide support in concluding an investment agreement and organizing negotiations with sectoral government bodies to ensure the successful implementation of the project.

YDA Holding is a diversified group of companies specializing in construction. The group’s portfolio includes projects in 12 countries with a total value of 10.2 billion US dollars. The group has been operating in Kazakhstan since 2002. To date, it has implemented three projects worth a total of 320 million dollars: the construction of international airports in the cities of Aktau and Turkestan, as well as the establishment of a multi-profile production facility – YDA Industrial Park – at the “Astana-Technopolis” SEZ. Three more projects worth approximately 1.35 billion dollars are currently under implementation.



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