Supported by KazAID: Products from Atameken's “One Village - One Product” project at the Christmas Charity Fair!

Supported by KazAID: Products from Atameken's “One Village - One Product” project at the Christmas Charity Fair!

We are proud to announce that with the assistance of KazAID, the products of the Atameken project were presented at the traditional Christmas Charity Fair organised by the Ambassadors Spouses Association with the support of the MFA of the RK.

The fair exclusively presented handmade products of Kazakhstani entrepreneurs, created by women from the regions within the framework of the project ‘One Village - One Product’:

- Felt products from Kyzylorda region and Astana city

- Camel milk soap from Aralsk

- Vegetable soap from NKR and Zhetysu region

- Honey products and honey cosmetics from NKR

- Cosmetic products from Kostanay region

- Ceramic jewellery from Karaganda region

- Honey from Altai herbs of EKR


This was the 15th edition of the fair, which brought together more than 30 foreign embassies, about 20 NGOs and 80 sponsoring companies. The organisers prepared a big lottery with valuable prizes such as trips, household appliances and certificates.

 All proceeds will be donated to charity projects.

By supporting local producers, we strengthen women's entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan and promote our culture on the international stage.



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