Which states did Kazakhstan provide humanitarian assistance to with the help of KazAID in 2024?

Which states did Kazakhstan provide humanitarian assistance to with the help of KazAID in 2024?

All humanitarian aid provided by Kazakhstan in 2024 was delivered with the assistance of KazAID. We are actively involved in coordinating the delivery of humanitarian goods to countries in need and promoting the implementation of Official Development Assistance (ODA) aimed at enhancing regional and global stability.

  1. Tajikistan

Kazakhstan provided humanitarian aid to Tajikistan worth 2.5 billion tenge (approximately $5.65 million), including 15,000 tons of fuel oil. Additionally, 14,970 tons of fuel oil, 80 tons of diesel fuel, 30 tons of diesel oil, 325 tons of buckwheat, 67 tons of vegetable oil, and 50,000 cans of condensed milk were delivered. Furthermore, 67.9 million tenge was allocated for the purchase of a crawler excavator.


  1. Kyrgyzstan

Kazakhstan provided Kyrgyzstan with 2,000 tons of diesel fuel to assist in resolving an accident at the Bishkek thermal power plant. Additionally, 0.9 tons of pasta, 0.9 tons of buckwheat, 2.25 tons of canned meat, and 0.05 tons of tea were sent. Humanitarian aid was also provided to support victims of mudslides in the Osh region, to address the consequences of the disaster, support the affected population, and rebuild the area.


  1. Afghanistan

Kazakhstan sent 5,000 liters of vegetable oil, 795 tons of rice, and 1,000 tons of first-grade flour to Afghanistan.


  1. Vietnam

Kazakhstan allocated $100,000 to Vietnam.


The humanitarian aid provided through KazAID is a crucial component of Kazakhstan's implementation of Official Development Assistance (ODA). This effort strengthens cooperation with our partners and contributes to their sustainable development.


Reference: Kazakhstan Agency of International Development KazAID under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan was established by the Government of Kazakhstan and is an operator in the field of official development assistance (ODA). KazAID realizes the state policy in the field of ODA, promoting development and sustainable growth in partner countries, promoting Kazakhstan's achievements in various fields, facilitating the exchange of experience and establishing contacts between specialists from different countries.


Press service

Kazakhstan Agency of International Development “KazAID”



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