Qazaqstan Investment Corporation has launched a personal account that will speed up the processing of applications

Qazaqstan Investment Corporation has launched a personal account that will speed up the processing of applications

Qazaqstan Investment Corporation (QIC) (a subsidiary of Baiterek NMH JSC) has launched a personal account that will speed up the processing of applications.

The Personal account is designed to automate the processes of interaction between applicants (potential projects) and QIC captive funds and operates on a one-stop-shop basis.

The launch of a personal account will minimize risks and increase the accuracy in reviewing applications due to the digitalization of the process. Previously, documents were accepted from applicants only in paper form.

With the help of a personal account, applicants can sign all necessary documents online using EDS, enter into confidentiality agreements, receive notifications about the status of their applications, track the history of interactions regarding their project, and much more.

The interface of the personal account is available in Kazakh, Russian and English.

You can access your personal account using the link:


For reference:

Qazaqstan Investment Corporation JSC is a private equity fund established in 2007, whose main mission is to develop the infrastructure of direct investment and venture financing in Kazakhstan in order to promote the sustainable economic development of Kazakhstan. It is a subsidiary of Baiterek NMH JSC.


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